Your content can shape a child's world

Betweened is expertly-curated, family-friendly entertainment available on iOS and Android.

Share your content on Betweened, expand your audience, and help kids around the world develop mindful media habits for life.

Sharing with Betweened is simple, impactful, and rewarding

Free and Easy

Claim your profile and start sharing for free. We seamlessly curate content from your existing social media platforms, so you don’t have to do any additional work.

Tools and Insights

Gain early access to our creator tools and receive metrics on your content's performance.

Expand Your Reach

We’re committed to helping creators broaden their audiences and monetize their work. Joining us now gives you early access to our evolving partnership, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities.

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Betweened is a tool for empowering the next generation to navigate the digital world with confidence and curiosity.