When Tech Goes Sideways: Strategies for Managing
Digital Dilemmas

A new session is coming soon

In a world where kids average more than 5 hours of screen time a day, parents are caught in a tough balancing act. The digital landscape is fraught with risks, and less than 10% of parents utilize parental tools. It's time to equip yourself with practical strategies to navigate this challenging terrain.

Join Dr. Marcie Beigel, a renowned mental health and parenting expert, and Dr. Carla Engelbrecht, CEO & Founder of Betweened and internationally recognized educational product and content creator, as they guide you through a pragmatic approach to managing your child's technology and fostering a strong foundation of digital literacy, critical thinking, and connection.

What You'll Learn

  • Be Proactive: Set a strong foundation for digital engagement, fostering dialogic connections and critical conversation skills.

  • Joint Media Engagement: Apply research-based, dynamic techniques to screen time, enhancing engagement, critical thinking, and digital literacy.

  • Guide for Good Chats: Master the art of conversation with your child, promoting understanding and curiosity.

  • Be Ready: Prepare for when things go sideways, with strategies for understanding, assessing, and taking action.