81 Books in 2023: Ideas for parenting, business, happiness, and learning

Cover images of 9 recommended books from 2023

This year I wanted to understand more about the books I read. Of the 81 books I read:

  • 50% fiction

  • 26% psychology

  • 14% business strategy

  • 10% biography

Why do I keep track of what I read?

  • To model lifelong literacy habits for my daughter

  • To fuel my growth

  • To see my preferences laid out in a quantitative fashion

Here’s my recommendations. (And let me know what books have been shaping your life. I need ideas for 2024!

Going to re-read this with my daughter asap

Muppets in Moscow by Natasha Lance Rogoff

Bringing Sesame Street to Russia in the 1990s has as much intrigue as most blockbuster films. I had no idea…

Shaped how I think about growing a business

The Cold Start Problem by Andrew Chen

Insightful perspectives from real world experience. (Am I alone in enjoying hearing growth stories from the giants like Uber?) Lots of things for me to ponder as I grow Betweened. 

Deeply creepy fiction

by Neal Shusterman

Sometimes the dystopian novels are a little too easy to picture. This one hit me hard, especially reading the discussion questions at the end. 

The one that remains on my bedside table

101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

One of those books where you can just pick a page at random and get some perspective on life. She’s succinct and poignant. 

Most orthogonal to my usual subjects

Catching Hell: The Insider Story of Seafood from Ocean to Plate by Allen Ricca with Joe Muto

I started this during a bout of insomnia. It actually didn’t put me to sleep but instead led to a lot of empathy for supply chain challenges... and smarter fish ordering. 

Offers ways I can continue to grow as a human

Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out by Ruth King

This is required reading in my meditation course. Practical thoughts on continuing to grow our ability to face racism with a “wise and caring” heart.   

Fascinating view of the world we live in

Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell

Explores the fine line between cults and communities that have cult-like following (e.g. Peloton, startups, Instagram followers) with a great blend of storytelling and research.

Fun to read with
my 7th-grader

Divergent by Veronica Roth

I had read the series when it first released, but was great to share with my daughter. Though she wasn’t as amused by my rule of reading the book BEFORE watching the movie. 

A guide to hacking our performance as humans

The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler

I found Steven’s work through their podcast - Flow Research Collective - when they talked about running startups and the flow creativity state. I’ve been hooked on their tips ever since.  

Let us know what books inspire your family. Here’s to 2024!

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