Beyond Awesome: Embracing Generative AI with a Growth Mindset
Eight mindsets as we learn to harness the power of generative AI.
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As a parent, I've learned to appreciate the small victories, like finding a parking spot right by the grocery store entrance or when my daughter finishes her homework without a fuss. But then there are moments that truly leave me in awe—like the first time I laid eyes on the Grand Canyon, or when I contemplate the vastness of the universe. These experiences redefine what it means to be "awesome."
If you’ve followed my work at all, you’ll know that I’ve been exploring the world of generative AI (AI Errors for Critical Thinking, Me vs My AI Twin) and it's been nothing short of awe-inspiring. The potential of this technology is vast, and as someone who loves to tinker and test its limits, I'm constantly amazed by what it can do.
However, I've noticed a trend in conversations with fellow parents, educators, and caregivers. When the topic of generative AI comes up, the discussion often turns dystopian. It's understandable; as guardians of the next generation, it's our job to worry. But I believe our approach to new tools like generative AI is everything. Adopting a growth mindset can transform our fears into opportunities for learning and growth.
The science behind the growth mindset, pioneered by psychologist Carol Dweck, shows that our beliefs about intelligence and ability can profoundly impact our learning and success. When we embrace a growth mindset, we understand that our abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective encourages us to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see effort as a path to mastery. It's a mindset that can make all the difference in how we approach technology and learning.
Here are eight mindsets I've found helpful in harnessing generative AI responsibly:
Take responsibility for your creations. GenAI is a tool to augment your work, not to replace your brain. You are accountable for everything you create.
You get what you put into it. Lazy, simple prompts don’t yield the best results. Are the prompts well crafted? Is the source information high quality? Think about what you feed it.
Embrace curiosity. Ask lots of questions and experiment with the capabilities of genAI. Allow yourself to be in awe of the potential and versatility.
Improve on the silence. Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Consider whether what you’re creating contributes positively to the community.
Seek inspiration in many places. GenAI is only one of many potential muses in your life. Set boundaries that encourage you to explore diverse avenues for creativity and insight.
Share what you learn. We are in this technological revolution together. Foster a community of growth and collaboration.
Be safe. While genAI may seem like a magical, all-knowing companion, it operates within the realm of the internet. Exercise caution and use it responsibly.
Embrace gratitude for being part of this transformative era. Welcome the changes and learning adventures that come with today’s opportunities.
As parents, we're natural storytellers, understanding the power of a good narrative. Instead of focusing solely on how generative AI could go wrong, we can also explore the incredible ways it can enhance our lives and the lives of our children. After all, embracing the awe of what's possible is what being truly awesome is all about.
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